Please feel free to call us, email us, or stop by our office. We are conveniently located in Suntree, FL, just off Suntree Boulevard and US1. (The address is “Rockledge” but this is an unincorporated area and really is considered more “Melbourne” by locals). Click on the “Get Directions” link in the map below and enter your address for driving directions. We look forward to hearing from you!
If you would like to schedule an evaluation for yourself, your child(ren), or a loved one, please fill out our Evaluation Request Form, and we will contact you to set up an appointment.
You can also submit general inquiries on our Contact Form.
For potential career opportunities, please visit our Employment page and submit an application.
Make a Payment
Taylor Made Therapies accepts online credit card payments through our PayPal secure website.
6520 3rd Street
Rockledge, FL 32955
(321) 622-8792
(321) 622-8793
[email protected]
Mon – Thu: 8:00am – 6:00pm